Today I had the privilege to meet with the hottest girl in the world right now.
I start off by asking her the question on everyone's lips, how does it feel to be the hottest girl in the world right now?
Hot Girl: Well It's a complex mix of emotions. Firstly I feel bad for all the girls that are not the hottest girl in the world right now. But, like the highlander, there can be only one. I also feel super happy as I am the hottest girl in the world right now. Who wouldn't want that accolade?
Dougal: So I imagine as the hottest girl in the world right now you get a lot of attention from admirers?
HG: Yes well the chaps do want a piece of this hot, hot ass. Some of them get a bit creepy and send me their hair or toenails but I just put that all in a box ready for when I have perfected my human cloning machine.
D: How does your boyfriend, Chad, deal with all the attention?
HG: Well naturally he wants to keep me all to his self so he keeps me locked in a cupboard as much as possible. I feel like Harry Potter, only hotter. He feeds me scraps of turkey and bacon and has given me a rubix cube and a gameboy with tetris on to keep me occupied.
D: So, what next for the hottest girl in the world right now?
HG: Next I plan on being the most beautiful girl in the world. I have always had a thing for the artist formally known as Prince.
I want to thanks the Hottest girl in the world right now for the time to interview her and JLS for bringing her to our attention.
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