Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Byte Night 2012

Byte Night is the IT industry sleep-out to raise vital funds for Action for Children to help tackle the root causes of youth homelessness.

At least 75,000 children and young people experience homelessness each year, and of those, 1 in 3 will attempt suicide and 1 in 7 will be physically or sexually assaulted.

Action for Children works to prevent youth homelessness through early intervention by ensuring that young people across the UK are given the support they need before it’s too late.

To help raise money for Action for Children me and a team of 6 other water factory workers will be sleeping out on the streets of Reading on 6 October. Please give some cash to help this cause, even if it is just £1.

Sponsor me please
Find out more about Byte night
Find out more about Action for Children


  1. I know someone who does this in Cambridge every year. I will do my very best to donate a small amount to you. xx
