Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Big Dig

So, why WaterAid? The company I work for is a proud supporter of WaterAid, an international charity dedicated to helping people in developing countries gain access to safe water, sanitation services and hygiene education. We have helped thousands of the world's poorest people gain access to the very things we all sometimes take for granted - safe water and sanitation.
I donate to WaterAid monthly and there are always activities going on to help raise even more.
Water is something that is taken for granted. We turn on the tap and there it is. I have heard many times people putting forward their arguments about why they think water should be free. In-between water falling from the sky to coming out the tap there is a whole process to make it clean and potable.
WaterAid’s Big Dig appeal aims to bring clean, safe water to 134,000 people in some of the poorest communities in rural Malawi. You can follow this online and you can donate at The UK Government will match donations pound for pound, but only until 18 September – so we need all the support we can get right now.
So get involved, donate as much as you can spare and get tweeting, sharing and adding The Big Dig news to your timeline.

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