Thursday, May 31, 2012

up sticks

I am at a strange cross roads in my life. I have just kinda ended up here through a series of odd events
I am single, nearly 30, coping really well with my depression (better than I have been for a long time) and thinking it is time to move on, (location wise that is)
It come to me from a strange text sent to me by mother. But why am I here? Why do I feel trapped by my location. I shouldn't. There is no reason I shouldn't move to where ever the hell I want to go to.
So my next question is where do I go to?
Well New York was my first idea, but it gets super cold there in winter and I don't wanna be could. I then thought Reading, to be closer to work, but why, if I am going to make this change, would I not change jobs also.
Along the coast? New Quay, Brighton, Bournemouth maybe.
London? North London to be exact.
I am undecided but it is time to do the things I wanted to do all this time. the shit excuses about Abi and friends and all that stopping me from getting out of Swindon really don't cut it anymore.
A lot of research needs to be done and jobs need to be applied for. I don't think I am going to pick a destination, I am going to pick many and then go to the one that looks the most fun.

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